Narcissists can be adept at hiding and concealing their deceptive behaviours. Some classic tools they may use include: 

  1. Charm and charisma: Narcissists often possess charm and charisma that can be captivating. They may use their charm to manipulate and deceive others, drawing them in with their appealing persona and winning them over. 
  1. Gaslighting: Narcissists may engage in gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation where they distort or deny reality to make their victims question their perceptions or sanity. They may deny things they have said or done or twist the truth to suit their agenda. 
  1. Projection: Narcissists will project their own flaws, shortcomings, or negative traits onto others. By blaming others for their own behaviours or shortcomings, they can shift focus away from themselves and avoid accountability. 
  1. Playing the victim: Narcissists may portray themselves as the victim to gain sympathy and garner support. They may twist situations to make themselves appear innocent or helpless and use this to gain attention and sympathy from others. 
  1. Manipulation and control: Narcissists are often skilled manipulators and may use various tactics to control others. This can include emotional manipulation, guilt-tripping, or using passive-aggressive behaviours to get their way and maintain a facade of control and superiority. 
  1. Image management: Narcissists may carefully curate their public image to appear flawless and perfect. They may meticulously manage their social media presence, portray themselves as successful and accomplished, and use external achievements or material possessions to mask their inner insecurities or flaws. 
  1. Triangulation: Narcissists may use triangulation to create conflicts or divisions among others to maintain their control and power. They may manipulate different parties by pitting them against each other or spreading rumours and gossip to create confusion and chaos. 
  1. Love-bombing and devaluation: In romantic relationships, narcissists may use a cycle of idealization (love-bombing) and devaluation to gain control over their partners. They may initially shower their partners with affection and attention, but later devalue and demean them to assert their dominance and maintain control. 

It’s important to note that these tactics are unhealthy and manipulative behaviours used by narcissists to maintain their facade and exert power and control over others. If you suspect that you are being deceived or manipulated by a narcissist, it’s important to seek support from trusted friends, family, or a mental health professional for guidance and assistance.